my day
(too old to reply)
2015-05-18 01:32:09 UTC
I was having a bath in the Asylum hospital when in crawled a cockroach the
size of a cat, its antenna sniffed the air. I felt it watching me. Poor
thing I thought it does not know that it is in the presence of a living
a person who through revolutionary struggle had been proclaimed Emperor of
the bandits, a time traveller extraordinaire who travelled through
of human conflict and met the first philosophers Adam and Eve, whose bones
were coated with platinum made from the bird of hope that was in Pandora's
box towards the beginning of time. A person who blessed the mass in the
phlegm that they themselves had spat on me. A person who as an immortal
being was once a penguin in the Falklands living on fish caught in the
effervescent sea.
But the cockroach was not a person just a bug and when I left the hospital
so was I.
2016-07-15 07:01:56 UTC
Him back
